Testimonials for dr. krasno

  • Young Ji, mother of child client

    Dr. Krasno is an exceptional psychologist specializing in autism assessment. As a mom of an autistic child, I've encountered many professionals in special education and therapy, and Dr. Krasno truly stands out as the best autism specialist in town. If you suspect that your child, or yourself as an adult, might be autistic, I highly recommend her.

    Her assessments are incredibly thorough, integrating multiple test batteries and stakeholder interviews. The comprehensive assessment report she provides is detailed and invaluable, serving as a resource I continually refer to whenever I have questions or need information.

    As the Clinical Director of the UCSB Koegel Autism Center, Dr. Krasno stays up-to-date with the latest research and deeply understands the lived experiences of autistic individuals, including adults. And what I appreciate most about Dr. Krasno, beyond her expertise and credentials, is her genuine love, respect, and care for autistic people!

  • Mira mead (she/her), 29 at time of diagnosis, 30 now

    Working with Dr. Anna Krasno has been life-changing. From our first meeting, I felt truly seen and respected as an adult—a rare experience in my long diagnostic journey. For the first time, I felt genuinely affirmed by a specialist.

    As a 30-year-old queer woman with multiple diagnoses, it had been challenging to find a clinician who took me seriously. Dr. Krasno’s compassion and deep understanding of underserved autistic communities made all the difference, creating an environment where I could finally receive the proper diagnosis.

    I am deeply grateful for Dr. Krasno’s support and the positive impact she has had on my life. Thank you, Dr. Krasno, for helping me understand myself better and for being an advocate when I needed it most.

  • Kylene, mother of child client

    Our family is so thankful to have found Dr. Krasno to work with on our child’s autism diagnosis. We had previously gotten a diagnosis that we didn’t feel fully encompassed our lived experience.  She truly listened with curiosity as we shared our concerns and experiences.  From the start her approach was compassionate and considerate.  During the assessment she answered all our questions and worked with our son in a manner that made him feel comfortable and respected. 

    When she presented us the diagnostic/assessment report she was sensitive and understanding.  For me the best part was reading the report and seeing how she represented our son’s strengths and differences but never with the lens of deficits.  Her extensive experience and affirming approach was immeasurably helpful in allowing us to understand our son better and to connect us with resources that will benefit him. 

  • Paul Heinrichs (He/Him), 34 at time of diagnosis, 37 now. UCSB Class of '23

    When navigating life, autistics often “mask” their behavior to come off as more “conventional.” Due to decades of adverse social reactions, it’s often not even a conscious choice on our part.

    If you do anything long enough, you’ll get good at it, which makes it especially difficult for autistic adults to receive a diagnosis: we’ve unwittingly been training every waking moment of our social lives to avoid presenting symptoms. 

    Dr. Anna saw through my masking like it was cellophane. She did it so deftly, and with such grace and compassion that I was moved to tears. For the first time in my life, I was being seen, understood, and accepted as I was. I cannot recommend her enough. 

  • Mother of adolescent client

    I can't say enough about Dr. Anna Krasno and how she handled our 17-year-old daughter's assessment.  After years of speaking with medical professionals and seeking answers for why, despite medical and therapeutic treatments, our extremely bright daughter continued to struggle with executive functioning skills, completing her school work, and making connections with her peer group, we finally got the answers we needed through a comprehensive autism assessment with Dr. Krasno. 

    Learning this information so late into adolescence was certainly a challenge, but finally knowing a path to follow - both in terms of our relationship with our daughter and the types of interventions that might be successful - was life-changing.

  • Mother of child client

    From our initial phone conversation, and all throughout testing and diagnosis, Dr. Krasno treated our family with kindness, empathy, and understanding.

    Dr. Krasno is professional and knowledgeable, utilizing gold standard methods of evaluation , while maintaining a warm and inviting bedside manner. She made my child, my husband, and me feel comfortable and safe throughout a lengthy and emotional process.

    We are so grateful for Dr. Krasno’s expertise in understanding our child, and providing us with the tools we needed to advocate for our child, and get him the support he needed at home and at school that help him thrive.

Anna Krasno, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

CA License PSY28483



Clients of all races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, religions, countries of origin, and abilities are welcome here.

Neurodiverse affirming and gender affirming care provided.

5290 Overpass Road Suite 220

Santa Barbara, CA 93111